The club Photo Gallery is currently a work in process. We have more photos to organize and post. Thank you for your patience.
Sheriff’s Department EMCOMM Center S-39
On July 9, 2013, Ralph, N1YHS, treated our Club to an excellent presentation and tour of the Barnstable County Sheriff Department’s EMCOMM Center – S-39. Developed by the BCS Office & in cooperation with local Police & Fire agencies. Custom designed & built by Wolf Coach with 2 dispatch positions & 4 person conference room with storage cabinets & marking boards. Fully air conditioned & heated. AC power by 10KW Onan Quiet Diesel generator system. 16 radios cover all public safety frequencies plus military, marine, aircraft, and ham radio services.
Field Day 1971
The 1971 Field Day was held at the Province Lands Visitor Center in Provincetown, this Field Day event pre-dates the founding of our club. These photos are courtesy of Carl Black, W1PY, who was operating the camera and, therefore, not in the photos… unfortunately.
Truro Repeater Installation



Christmas Party December 9, 2003

Club Luncheon at Double Dragon Orleans

Club Luncheon at the Hunan Gourmet Orleans

Jen, Russ K1RTA, Marty N2RBI & Vicki

Bill N2KNL’s Wife Elaine KB1VAJ and Good Friend Russ KB1VAK ( now K1RTA ) taking their Technician Exam Test 2010

2012 Technician Class Grads. Congratulations! All Passed! One of the grads is our PARC President Chris KB1ZAM, third from the left.

ARRL Pilgrim Amateur Repeater Club 35th Anniversary-Dana Henrique WA1KYU & Phil Temples K9HI ARRL Section Manager

New 4-Bay Antenna Installation at the Truro Repeater Site on October 24, 2012

Tuning the Harwich Repeater Duplexers November 4, 2013

Founder PARC Club Member Frank Henrique WA1LGW SK